среда, 10 сентября 2008 г.

Pursuit of opportunities

To continue the metaphoric comparison between world market and football game, I would like to draw your attention on the business opportunity. 

As I said before the football field is like a world market where players are businessmen who are competing for being the first to have a ball, a business opportunity, since they have managed to do all their best that means they’ve scored the game. 

As it was mentioned at the lecture of Entrepreneurship by Jonas Dahlqvist, a business opportunity is a gap in the market which presents the possibility of new value being created. One more needs to be added, new value should be created better than whenever before. Entrepreneurs like football players are constantly thinking of how to do something differently and better or how to kick a ball until other players or competitors pass it ahead of you. 

However, having a ball does not mean that you have already scored the game, you have to do all your best to kick the ball into the goal, the same for opportunities, they are the ‘raw materials’ out of which the entrepreneur creates an ‘entire new world’ . 

At the same time there is a clear link between innovation and business opportunity. Well, if appropriate exploitation of opportunity means creating something new that is different and better, meanwhile innovation is itself something new and novel, then we can conclude that innovation is a means of exploiting a business opportunity. 

Moreover, opportunity is just a chance, and how best you make use of it depends whether you reach your goals of not. As far as market creates lots of opportunities however not every one can see and exploit them in an appropriate way. 

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