четверг, 25 сентября 2008 г.

My Reflections

When we were asked to write a blog and express our thoughts about entrepreneurship and subjects discussed at our lectured I was astonished first and now I know what that really means. 

When we had a lecture on Accounting on Tuesday I could finally connect my working experience with theory. When I was running for one Finnish company as an accountant assistant, I was dealing with budgeting and finances allocation as this company has more than 10 subsidiaries all over the world. And for me it was really difficult to sort the Centers of Responsibilities out, especially Costs Centers be cause I never had an accounting background. 

But mostly I booked the business trips employees had, so I need to know how and where to allocate their expenses. For this purpose I used different Cost Centers. But always asked why? In addition we had an accounting program called Scala where I could specify different Costs Centers. 
At the lecture Berit Bertelsen paid significant attention on this topic.

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