воскресенье, 31 августа 2008 г.

Travelling into the world of innovation and entrepreneurship

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2 комментария:

belffett комментирует...

Hi Anna

I love your idea that you compare how to build and achieve a business goal with a football team.

It's true that innovative people are very important in business arena but how to motivate someone to be innovative people?

Like we studied in creativity module with Veronica, money cannot buy creativity, so we cannot make creative or innovative people with money also.

I still thinking about it. Maybe my question will motivate you to find out how and don't forget to tell me if you get something further.

Good luck
Sawasdee krub

Bell (Thailand)

jibs-anna комментирует...

Hi Bell

Thank you very much for your comment on my blog.

Yes I absolutely agree with Veronica that money cannot buy creativity, it can somehow motivate it but no more and not long.

Well I actually believe Plato, who originated this "Necessity is the Mother of Invention"idiom, it makes me think of.

Bell, I hope that such kind of networking will help us to build appropriate conception of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Have a nice weekend.